Income Ltd.

"We offer everyone an easy way to invest, through technology that doesn't scare, but provides solid results." (Income Ltd CEO)"



We are INCOME Ltd. a UK company specialized in the creation of Online Trading Software, focused in the FOREX market with automated systems, operating on Major pairs (especially EUR/USD, EUR/GBP, GBP/USD) with scalping methodology and narrow time intervals. Our goal is to offer everyone, and especially those who have little or no knowledge of FOREX, an easy way to invest, through technology that does not scare, but provides solid results.


.... or simply AITS.

It is an automated system that through Artificial Intelligence algorithms analyzes the market and optimizes trading decisions, making profitable trades under most conditions.

The smallness and high number of individual transactions in the system helps keep the remaining financial balance safe from unforeseen movements and generates a continuous gain of small amounts of money that added together can lead to more than sizable profits.

For more details, read our FAQ


Aggiorniamo costantemente i risultati dell’AITS e, ad oggi, i profitti medi annuali ed YTD si attestano tra il 25 e il 30% dell’investimento e indicativamente in base allo storico degli ultimi 24 mesi, i profitti per un investimento di 5.000€ sono stati tra i 3.500€ e i 5.000€ annui.
